Brasserie Schuman i Luxembourg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgBrasserie Schuman



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1, rond-point Schuman, 2525, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 24 61 85 44
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.6173833, Longitude: 6.1268011

kommentar 5

  • Christophe Petitjean

    Christophe Petitjean


    Service on the terrace was a complete disappointed, slapstick if we would have had more time: management clearly forgot to check the sunny weather forecast in the morning with only 2 waiters desperatly trying to manage full occupancy outside... Food arrived extremely late, about 40 minutes after ordering, was on top of that incomplete, and wine was poured without allowing us to taste.. as the waiter was incredibly stressed...and it turned out to be terrible...but we didn't bother as a replacement would have taken the waiter another 40 minutes. I will not be returning soon.

  • Simon Birt

    Simon Birt


    I ate here this evening ahead of attending an Opera at the theatre and was very disappointed. I ordered the Schumann Burger. It was burnt and was served without the frites it should have been. The service was very rushed and it cost 24 Euros! I would definitely suggest eating elsewhere for any visitors coming to the theatre.

  • Byron Goulakis

    Byron Goulakis


    Nice, calm place. Pleasant staff.

  • Bernard Simon

    Bernard Simon


    A good brasserie with a high standard and nice design

  • trace abilities

    trace abilities


    Beautiful terrace and good service. Food always super tasty. A bit pricey.

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