Cabinet vétérinaire Hamilius-Lucas i Niederanven

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgCabinet vétérinaire Hamilius-Lucas



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205 A, Route de Trèves, 6940, Niederanven, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 34 88 65
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.6525809, Longitude: 6.2586638

kommentar 5

  • Manu Neumair

    Manu Neumair


    doctor seems to hate dogs - never experienced such a doctor, NEVER

  • Pierre Forschette

    Pierre Forschette


    very helpful, friendly

  • Myriam Jander

    Myriam Jander


    Very good vet! I went there for an urgent matter and she helped my cat really good. Find out the cause of her distress and give her something against it. She explains everything really well and assures you and she was nice to my cat!

  • Tiffany Weis

    Tiffany Weis


    Really bad experience. It's like they only care about money. That's one thing for other businesses but not when living beings are involved. During the visit we told them that he was breathing extremely bad, having heavy asthma attacks which started all of a sudden one day. They only gave our cat some antibiotics, saying he may have catched a cold (antibiotics have no effect on viruses btw). Moreover, they treated our cat in a very rough way (while picking him up f.ex.), not respectful at all. In reality, our cat had some serious conditions as we were told some days later by another very good vet (aggressive Tumor, broncopneumonia, asthma). We had to put him asleep some days ago in order to not let him suffer. I really hope for you guys that you will make the right choice by not chosing this vet.

  • Simon Schweich

    Simon Schweich


    This vet really does not care about your pet, it's like going to your general practitioner to quickly get some pills. They were very negative and rough to my pet and just gave some random antibiotic's injection, which did not helped at all. After going to a real vet, it turned out there was a serious problem going on which should have been obvious to all specialists after a proper inspection!

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