Campingpark Freibad Echternacherbrück i Echternacherbrück

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LuxembourgCampingpark Freibad Echternacherbrück



🕗 åbningstider

18, Mindener Straße, 54668, Echternacherbrück, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 6525 340
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.8125857, Longitude: 6.4314422

kommentar 5

  • jawid Khan

    jawid Khan


    I love echternach

  • Tijmen Vis

    Tijmen Vis


    Very nice. There are a lot of dutch people on this campsite and the staff is very friendly. It's very near to the city of Echternach and you can do a lot of things there and in the rest of Luxembourg.

  • Jeff B

    Jeff B


    Very nice camping in Germany and very near the beautiful town of Echternach in Luxembourg. Actually you'll only have to pass the bridge (brück) to pass the border and to walk right into the centre of Echternach with its nice shoppingstreet, restaurants but also grocery stores and bakkery! The camping itself has a pool and is near a river. Because of the river you'll have bugs in the evening.

  • Ricardo Bruggeman

    Ricardo Bruggeman


    Great pool (for a review on the Campingpark please check my other reviews)

  • nemenz .

    nemenz .


    Super friendly, clean and very well organized. It's a nice place with Echternach nearby. You have plenty of possibilities during the day and in the evening!

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