Carrosserie Salis Sàrl i Bertrange

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgCarrosserie Salis Sàrl



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259 A, Rue de Luxembourg, 8077, Bertrange, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 44 44 95
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.605057, Longitude: 6.076178

kommentar 5

  • Polo S.

    Polo S.


    RECKLESS and maybe DANGEROUS: Let's start with the worst, they changed my brakes, disks and pads at the rear of my Mazda, a day later when I drove shopping it smelled like something was burning, so I stopped and walked around the car. I saw smoke comming from the the right rear side, the brakes they changed a day ago, smoked. So I took out my phone fist to do a picture and a video to show them . The moment I started filming the brake pads caught FIRE, I mean not only smoke but they were burning. As I came from shopping I had water bottles in the car and I started to extinguish the fire. As it was weekend I couldn't reach the garage, which I did then on Monday. They told me to come by to check on Wednesday or Thursday,and that they would change the brakes. I was there Thursday, they knew the whole story and they promised to change the brakes on the phone. Well they had the car a whole day, again, made a few tests and said everything was alright. So they send me away without replacing the brakes, I told them that they might be damaged because of the fire and the water, but the answer was "that is what brakes are for". I thought brakes were there to brake... Next week I will then go to a Mazda garage an let them check if the brakes are realy OK, I thing that's very reckless and maybe also dangerous of "Carroserie Salis" not to change the brakes, it would have cost them less then 100€, in a case of a crash because of those brakes it will cost them much more... Not to mention 2 more things: - They needed 2 days !! , at the begining, to change the brakes, because they ordered the wrong ones. - I paid 400€ for this, again I drive a Mazda not a sportscar...

  • Lily Shang

    Lily Shang


    These men have 0 sense of time. I was told twice by Fernando, once this week, and once last week, that my car would be ready by noon today, but it was not. I phone at 11:30am to check on progress and they told me that it would be ready at 3pm. Then Fernando called after lunch and said it would be delayed until 5pm. I ended up unable to go to 2 jobs for which I needed the car, a loss of 150 euros, not to mention 2 extra hours on the bus to make the extra trip to the garage. And when I asked for a discount to offset my lost income due to their delay, Fernando completely denied having promised me any time and this short guy with glasses kept interrupting me while I tried to explain for the second time. So this is the garage for you if you don’t care about your time, schedule or have clients to meet, but otherwise, completely unreliable.

  • Robert Mwanja

    Robert Mwanja


    A good garage tucked away in Bertrange, they seem to know what they are doing and charge reasonably. A great relief in expensive Luxembourg!

  • Luis Ribeiro

    Luis Ribeiro


    Good service. Professional work ..

  • Ing Etellerannet

    Ing Etellerannet


    Terrible service. 've been here twice: first time they said they would get back to me in 2 days. 1 week later we called and they said they had lots to do. When we said we didn't want to wait but rather find somewhere else with better service, they managed to fix the car in a couple of days... Second time (we decided to give them one more try) we made it there before leaving again - the manager started shouting and honking at us for parking in the wrong place; next to a row of parked cars... There were no signs anywhere. Won't be going back there and wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

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