Cathy Goedert i Luxembourg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgCathy Goedert



🕗 åbningstider

8, Rue Chimay, 1333, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 20 21 49
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Latitude: 49.6105642, Longitude: 6.1295448

kommentar 5

  • Jörgen Fredriksson

    Jörgen Fredriksson


    The food and cakes are top rate, but the seating a little boring. Especially the top floor could be better. Would expect better coffee and thea for the price

  • Yui Fan Law

    Yui Fan Law


    Lovely pastry, good atmosphere, coffee could be a bit weak depending on individual taste.

  • en

    Catriona Davidson


    Very slow and got funny about giving us some tap water (?) cakes were good though

  • en

    Blair Radford


    Went on a saturday morning. IT wasn’t super busy but it took a few minutes for the staff to realise I had entered. The service was minimal at best. Fortunately the food was actually quite nice. And the pastries, and the lovely lady serving them, on the way out would nearly push this to a 4. My suggestion is to not dine in and simply get some tasty treats to take away.

  • en

    Flora Lau


    Had a really good pastry here, not sure what the name was but the staff told me it has got praline cream in it. Very light and airy. Just right to pair with a black coffee :)

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