Chinese Emperor i Luxembourg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgChinese Emperor



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1, Avenue Monterey, 2163, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxemburgo
kontakter telefon: +352 47 36 58
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Latitude: 49.6109213, Longitude: 6.1288489

kommentar 5

  • fr



    Sans commentaire personnel triste comme la nourriture. A éviter

  • fr

    Lina Lewis


    Pas beaucoup de choix, 1 seul dessert. Par contre le personnel est agréable et souriant. Mais j’ai encore faim J’ai aimé le poisson mais pas le bœuf Les sushis sont bons

  • en

    D W


    Really the worst Chinese restaurant I've ever been to. Took a few bites from the horrible all-you-can-eat buffet, paid and then made my way out of there as fast as I could. It was such a joke it almost made me laugh...

  • Lea Bernitt

    Lea Bernitt


    Preis ist angemessen. Jedoch war die Bedienung recht unfreundlich. Das Buffet geht nur bis halb drei. Sehr wenig Auswahl und die Gerichte sind nur halb warm bis kalt. Auch die Auswahl an Dessert ist begrenzt auf 2 Gerichte. Keine Weiterempfehlung wert.

  • Pierre Blondelle

    Pierre Blondelle


    The price is alright for an all you can eat buffet. But when they say "All you can eat sushi", the operative word is CAN. If there's no more sushi, you CAN not have more, so you don't, just eat something else. The rest of the food is quite bland. But hey... It's a bit more than 10 euros, so I guess it's not such a bad deal if you're looking for quantity over quality.

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