Delhaize Strassen i Strassen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgDelhaize Strassen



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1, Route d'Arlon, 8009, Strassen, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 45 92 65
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.6165895, Longitude: 6.0954407

kommentar 5

  • Karthick Sundararajan

    Karthick Sundararajan


    Good place. Has a free multi storey parking spot and open on Sundays too.

  • Carlo Biondi

    Carlo Biondi


    Nice selection of goods and groceries given the size of the store, however some things (fruits and alcohol come to mind) are vastly overpriced. Nevertheless, the store is conveniently located and opening hours are practical, so definitely reccomended if you need to do some light shopping

  • Fuat Akgün

    Fuat Akgün


    I like the Delhaize because it makes you feel you are in a premium supermarket. The prices does vary but the quality is high.

  • Yvonne Koechig

    Yvonne Koechig


    A real grocery store. Great selection. Clean and tidy. Best selection of meats in town!

  • Baby Davis

    Baby Davis


    Great store with nice produce, meats, cheeses and wines. Lots of prepared salads, meals, etc for when youre on the run, or need something quick fir dinner. Fresh sushi, too! Better than most Sushi to go places if you ask me.

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