Downtown Café i Luxembourg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgDowntown Café



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12, Rue Chimay, 1333, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 20 37 07
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Latitude: 49.610237, Longitude: 6.129615

kommentar 5

  • Krystina Gray

    Krystina Gray


    The atmosphere is quite nice and the service was good. I found my food, which was something like a chicken pesto bagel to be a bit bland, it needed something, not quite sure what. The French fries were very delicious. I would maybe try another dish next time.

  • Eric Gray

    Eric Gray


    Great place to stop for lunch or a light meal. I had the downtown chicken sandwich, it was surprisingly simple and good. Good atmosphere and seating. Very close to downtown shops.

  • Nikolaos Ploumis

    Nikolaos Ploumis


    Friendly staff and nice place with reasonable prices. My favourite place

  • Aart Schalk

    Aart Schalk


    Nice food and friendly service. We didn't have to wait for long. The smoothies were real nice, though a little pricey.

  • Jasmin Pepeljak

    Jasmin Pepeljak


    After almost 10 minutes waiting, a guy who is supposedly a waiter came and brought as menu. We ordered and then around 10 minutes later he brought me my cake first with a huge fork...and then AFTER about 8 minutes he brought us our coffees. Short after...3-4 minutes also came our main meal...which was really good, and I found it nice that the woman that works in kitchen came by to check of the bagel is to our liking. So basically to summarise it. Bar service 1 star Kitchen 4 stars. The drinks and food was good. So if you have time then you can visit it. And I would suggest to the owner to not be a cheapskate and hire more people, he can't expect 3 of them to do the kitchen duty and bar too!

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