Hotel Brasserie Nagel i Vianden

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LuxembourgHotel Brasserie Nagel


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2, Route de Bettel, 9415, Vianden, Kanton Vianden, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 83 45 05
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.9284814, Longitude: 6.2219568

kommentar 5

  • Evert Jan

    Evert Jan


    Roosmarijn and I stayed for one night. The rooms are spacious and clean. The furniture and looks in the rooms are a bit outdated/corny, but works fine. Pro's Clean | Spacious | dogs allowed | friendly staff Con's Very loud road which you hear all night long Showers didn't give warm water

  • Matisse DaVinci

    Matisse DaVinci


    The staff is very good, helpful and friendly. For two persons and one dog for two nights very good. I surprise. Yes is on the road but just outside the town. For me 10 minutes are walking. The room good size and clean.

  • Sven C

    Sven C


    Nothing too fancy but a good restaurant and a spot to store motorcycles. Lodgings are sober but cheap.

  • Chad Franklin

    Chad Franklin


    The hotel room had lots of space and a good size kitchen and a balcony. This was perfect for us and our kids. We were worried that it would be quite far from town but it was actually close enough - only a few minutes drive or 15 minute walk. The restaurant free breakfast had everything we needed. We dined there for dinner one night and it was good food and good price. A few staff members could speak English but some could not. Unfortunately one negative was that we had to go into the restaurant for reception at 6pm, and the lady was busy behind the bar. I'd stay here again!

  • Y. Brosens

    Y. Brosens


    Good price-quality ratio. Spacious room, good breakfast and the location is nice. It is just outside Vianden so it's quiet, but if you want you can walk to the centre of Vianden in approximately 15 minutes.

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