Iris Fleurs Luxembourg - City Glacis i Luxemburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgIris Fleurs Luxembourg - City Glacis



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35, Allée Scheffer, 2520, Luxemburg, Luxemburg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 86 49 60
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.6178592, Longitude: 6.1236512

kommentar 5

  • Charlotte Gany

    Charlotte Gany


    Really nice friendly personnel! Really nicely decorated place. Beautiful flowers and plants.. Would recommend!

  • juliann daco

    juliann daco


    Des fleurs très fraîches et beaucoup de choix

  • Patrice Saceda

    Patrice Saceda


    Très belle composition. Bon accueil.

  • Laurie Anne

    Laurie Anne


    Commande pour Noël. Le colis est arrivé complètement cassé. Après un simple appel ( photo à l'appui) , on m'a de suite proposé de le remplacer. Quelle ne fut pas ma surprise quand un vendeur qui avait l'occasion de venir non loin de chez moi se propose de me ramener la nouvelle composition!!!!! Mon cadeau de Noel est prêt a etre mis sous le sapin. MERCI. Parfait.

  • Daan Middelkoop

    Daan Middelkoop


    Nothing said about the flowers, but the attitude of the people is ridiculous. We got married in Venice, some good people sent us flowers to our home (we were not home but in Italy), which can happen. My wife collected the flowers at first possible occasion (called before to announce our impending pickup and was told by this woman why we didn't pick up the flowers earlier). Then in the shop this dude greeted my wife with the same attitude. I would give 0 stars if I could.

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