Library - Hamilius i Luxembourg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgLibrary - Hamilius



🕗 åbningstider

3, Rue Genistre, 1623, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 47 96 27 32
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.611623, Longitude: 6.130095

kommentar 5

  • Adrian Heimann

    Adrian Heimann


    + Good Wifi + Cozy design + Great location - Not enough study area - You have a kids area which can not be closed by a door (!) can get a little noisy - Closed on Sundays and Mondays, such a shame. Big minus. - Only allowed to use their computers for a limited time

  • farfalla24bib .

    farfalla24bib .


    Beautiful library, friendly staff and a great selection of books, dvds, etc.

  • Léo Etlesbas

    Léo Etlesbas


    Nice and cozy place ! I like to sit here and read newspapers or magazine. They have such a diversity of newspapers. Moreover, it's quiet and the staff is nice !

  • Crista Filip

    Crista Filip


    They refuse to let you in 15 minutes before closing time, but this rule is not written anywhere. Who knows what other unwritten rules still are that you would only find out when accidentally are about to break it. Maybe next time they will decide to refuse service 20 min before closing time - as nothing is written one goes inside in good faith just to be turned around. The time of a customer should be as important as the time of the staff!

  • Stephen Chase

    Stephen Chase


    Best library in Luxembourg!!

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