Lidl i Pommerlach

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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14, Bastnicherstrooss, 9638, Pommerlach, Kanton Wolz, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 800 73 520
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.9621419, Longitude: 5.8602557

kommentar 5

  • Invictus Motors Ltd

    Invictus Motors Ltd


    Nice to see w different variety at this Lidl

  • Roel Esselink

    Roel Esselink


    Simple concept for campers: drive onto terrain, pick a spot that is free, pay for it when someone arrives at 5pm. Places are very clean, well kept and spacious. On our one the ground was very wobbly and grass had disappeared at some places but apart from that, recommended for the price as well. Facilities were very clean, sheep showers are 1 euro though. Stand near reception building or restaurant for free really good WiFi.

  • Alex Maat

    Alex Maat


    Fine supermarkt. Missed out on Asian food, had to cross the road to get the last ingredients.

  • Trish Blue

    Trish Blue


    Very poorly organized staff, they unload wares in the middle of the saturday rush, block aisles with their trolleys, open and close tills at their convenience, chat and laugh amongst themselves while standing in front of wares and not letting customers through. One of them nearly hit me with a huge cardboard box she was waving around to amuse her colleagues. I received no apology since that person was too busy entertaining other personnel.While I know it's a discounter, a little organisation skills and a better management would go a long way. Will not visit again.

  • Erwin Fijma

    Erwin Fijma


    Good for bargains and very fresh items

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