Match Copal Grevenmacher i Grevenmacher

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LuxembourgMatch Copal Grevenmacher



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2, Route Nationale 1, 6750, Grevenmacher, Grevenmacher, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 75 05 03
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.6768147, Longitude: 6.4277679

kommentar 5

  • Paul Brimble

    Paul Brimble


    You can drink a beer at the restaurant while the other half shops....

  • Michal Maj

    Michal Maj


    Good shop. Cheap comparing to what you get in Luxembourg City. They also have a small American and English snack section.

  • Gravity Hold

    Gravity Hold


    4 stars because of the prices at the match store but all in all very nice backery and place.

  • Matt Eales

    Matt Eales


    Open until 6pm on a Sunday which is good. Good selection of food and wines and beers. Has a small bar area where you can enjoy a nice beer if you dont fancy shopping. Some other shops close by for pets, garden and clothes. Car wash on site also.

  • Malcolm Hollifield

    Malcolm Hollifield


    Great supermarket. Just the right size to provide an extensive range without being too huge. In store bakery is excellent and they do terrific filled rolls. They cater for many tastes with food products from the rest of Europe and indeed the world, whilst also featuring excellent, locally sourced produce. Friendly staff too.

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