Metropolitan i Luxembourg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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35, Rue du Fort Elisabeth, 1463, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 19 69 48
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.603277, Longitude: 6.131624

kommentar 5

  • Edson Djeni

    Edson Djeni


    Very nice food there... same owner with OSCAR bar and kitchen

  • Ivan Harrison

    Ivan Harrison


    One of the best bars / gastro pubs in the city. The owner and the team are very friendly and welcoming. The food selection is varied but not overly so when it comes too confusing, and the quality and portion sizes are very good. If you’re passing or heading to Place de Paris, then The Metropolitan is definitely worth a visit if you’re hungry or need some liquid refreshments (great selection of drinks for a smaller bar as well).

  • Baby Davis

    Baby Davis


    really fun food, lots of options, fun staff, all goog

  • en

    Daniel Whittaker


    Good place for any refreshment. From a afternoon coffee to an evening beer. Food available is good, a small choice but high quality! Can get busy and crowding.

  • T. Shannon Buckley

    T. Shannon Buckley


    What an amazing experience coming to this bar! The bartender Teodora is AMAZING!! As you interact with the locals and regulars the drinks and conversation begin to take you away to another time and place where life was simpler and conversation, not status updates, was the norm. Luxembourg is such a special and idyllic place and the metropolitan is the embodiment of that spirit.

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