Oberweis Luxairport i Findel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgOberweis Luxairport



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Cité de l'Aéroport, 1638, Findel, Luxembourg, LU Luksemburg
kontakter telefon: +352 40 31 40 1
internet side: www.oberweis.lu
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Latitude: 49.6348458, Longitude: 6.2162457

kommentar 5

  • Frank Vermeulen

    Frank Vermeulen


    I have never experienced such an unfriendly waiter. This guy asked me to walk back from the table to show me a French sign that apparently said I had to wait to get seated. In a half empty restaurant. Well, I left immediately, do you think I'm crazy?

  • Sylvain Charroy

    Sylvain Charroy


    25€ pour deux boissons, deux saucisses et deux pains au chocolat. Service moyen. Plats réchauffés au microonde. Serveuse qui nous vire et qui fait lourdement trainer les chaises pendant que l'on mange (on a pourtant demandé avant si on pouvait s'installer). Bref, autant aller un peu plus loin, ça ne peut pas être pire.

  • Adina Conner

    Adina Conner


    Super good and quick plat du jour and 2 hours free parking at the airport

  • Geoff Y

    Geoff Y


    Some beer, some juice and a couple of plates of chips were quickly brought for us and we had a good time watching the planes depart while eating. Staff were friendly and dealt with our broken French without issue. It's before security so if you want a place to relax before saying good bye then this is probably the best place.

  • João Gonçalves

    João Gonçalves


    This Oberweis is our favourite place in the entire airport building. Excellent cappuccino and premium bakery and pastries is an excellent way to start your Luxembourg experience. The outdoor parking offers 15 minutes free, which is great during the weekend for a quick coffee while buying your Luxembourgish baguette. During the week avoid work rush hours as your get stuck in local traffic just outside parking A/B/C. Outside crazy traffic time this place is very convenient.

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