Obiwan Computers Shop i Luxembourg

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LuxembourgObiwan Computers Shop



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233-241, Rue de Beggen, 1221, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luksemburg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 68 75 83
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.6458363, Longitude: 6.1270007

kommentar 5

  • fr

    Christian Meunier


    Un vendeur de PC comme il y a 20 ans, des pièces partout, mais surtout quelqu'un qui sait les assembler

  • fr

    Bertrand Gilson


    Difficile de trouver une personne compétente, qui aime son métier et qui trouve les solutions optimales. Service impeccable, simple et authentique. Ne pousse pas à la consommation. Tout ce que j'apprécie.

  • en

    Milan L.


    I dont know how all these people can be so happy with this shop but I had the worst customer experience ever. I bought a Pc part and 5 min after the purchase, I saw that it was the wrong one, so I went back to get the right one, which they did not have, but instead of refunding me the guy started more or less yelling at me that I have no idea about what I`m talking about etc and finally refunded me after a 5 min discussion. Never been back since. There are far more friendly and cheaper places around to get your Pc parts. Edit: To say I had a bad behavior shows only your lack of self-admittance, I was around 17 and was there with my dad and we asked plaine and nicely. You could just have excused yourself in your answer (maybe you had a bad day?) but instead you give the responsibility to me without even remembering me, which shows clearly the kind of person you can be...

  • Chris Wilcockson

    Chris Wilcockson


    I have been buying my various home PCs from Obiwan for about 10 years now. We have bought Laptops, tablets, PCs and printers. He has also supplied PCs for business use. The service offered by Adrien is first class, always helpful and knowledgeable. His advice in purpose building a PC to meet my photo processing needs was first class. He is very responsive on all service needs. Despite occasional price gap my preference is still to buy locally from Adrien and receive excellent service and after sales care.

  • Bob Arendt

    Bob Arendt


    Depuis 10 ans que je suis client, depuis mon premier PC jusqu' au dernier, toujours satisfait. Bon conseil, toujours à la recherche du meilleur résultat pour les budgets proposés et toujours avec un sourire. D' ailleurs les photos d' identité en 15 minutes garantie!

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