Osteria del Bivio i Schëtter

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgOsteria del Bivio



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73 Rue Principale, 1st floor, 5367 Schëtter, Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 35 01 43
internet side: www.bivio.lu
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Latitude: 49.6215159, Longitude: 6.2663142

kommentar 5

  • en

    Stilian Kolev


    Good pizza and pasta

  • en

    Christophe Kus


    Last time I was there, the service was very unpleasant. We left before we even ordered.

  • en

    Céline Millim


    Definitely a great place for Italian food but also regional food.One negative point is the limited place and if it is crowded you will not understand your own words.Quiet romantique and old charm.Selfmade Desserts are great and I can onlz recommend the Cordon Bleu and Pizza Emilia

  • en

    Henrike Wolter


    Though the decor is nice and staff was friendly I have not returned to this place as my favorite go-to pizza with fresh mozzarella and tomatoes was swimming in mozzarella water and turned the dough into mush and so could not enjoy the meal. Other restaurants simply do it better.

  • en

    Jean-François Schlungs


    Nice restaurant. I can recommend the filet de bœuf an the cordon bleu Thierry. Less recommandable is dish of the day at lunch.

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