Public Parc, Hesperange i Hesperange

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgPublic Parc, Hesperange


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472, Route de Thionville, 5886, Hesperange, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 36 08 08 1
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.5716434, Longitude: 6.1578748

kommentar 5

  • en

    natalia Henao Paez


    Small park with a lake in the middle. Perfect to go to read or to have a nice walk

  • Samuele Sbardella

    Samuele Sbardella


    nice and well mantained park in the centre of the small town of Hesperange. good for a walk, jogging or simply for a break. there is a river, a small lake with ducks and a small swimming pool open during summer. there are also some sport facilities like a small basket court and other gymn tools.

  • Petz Nonofub

    Petz Nonofub


    Nice place to spend with kids because there is a swimming pool, basket court, soccer court, skating parc and a dog toilet

  • Ioannis Kypraios

    Ioannis Kypraios


    Lovely park in the middle of Hesperange. Lively atmosphere and for those interested in Pokemon Go lot's of poke stops. Great place for a picnic or jog or in general for a family outing. During summer they have things organised almost every Friday.

  • Igor Gresovnik

    Igor Gresovnik


    Nice park in Hesperange, with a pound and a camp. Within a camp you can order drink and something to eat, it's pleasant and very cheap for this area.

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