Restaurant Tibet i Luxembourg

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LuxembourgRestaurant Tibet



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39, r. Sainte Zithe, 2763, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 48 25 59
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Latitude: 49.603922, Longitude: 6.129782

kommentar 5

  • Lied Rodríguez Álvarez

    Lied Rodríguez Álvarez


    Tibet's food is well prepared, nicely presented and reazonable in price (for Luxembourg standards). Their nans are wonderful, their tea, delicious! With an attentive, friendly, English speaking staff and a suitable oriental music that adds to the atmosphere, this is one the best restaurants in Lux for Tibetian-Nepalese-Indian food. As a plus, they have a very quick delivery service!

  • Navin Pathak

    Navin Pathak


    Very nice food. Spacious. Lots of Indian food option but some good Tibbeten style food as well. Reasonably priced. My pic is the Mixed momo. Very tasty.

  • Filip Borloo

    Filip Borloo


    Great food! Friendly service and authentic surrounding. We'll be back.

  • Prasanna Rengarajan

    Prasanna Rengarajan


    I was looking for something different to try in Luxembourg. So, went to this place to try Tibetian food after reading very good reviews online.... But, this place is just OK, nothing too special. The food was very oily. Portion sizes were generous but food tasted very bland and looked uninteresting. Also, the place is not cosy at all. It is bright (not dingy) but very poor ambience. Overall, this felt like a very ordinary place but with good reviews online.

  • Ananas



    This restaurant is literally a gem hidden in a side-street. It is often fairly empty but don't let it fool you - it is the best and most authentic Indian/Nepalese/Tibetan restaurant in Luxembourg. You absolutely need to try their cardamom house cocktail - it is addictive. Tibet is also the perfect place for bigger groups. The service is lovely.

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