Restaurant Tong Hao i Luxembourg

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LuxembourgRestaurant Tong Hao


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63, Rue du Fort Neipperg, 2230, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luksemburg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 84 57 33
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Latitude: 49.6014922, Longitude: 6.134545

kommentar 5

  • en

    patrick diagne


    great food and people are very nice. so far my best place for a lunch

  • F V

    F V


    Rotten buffet, shattered dishes, absolutely worth the 10€ all-you-can-eat price tag.

  • Kev/Gabriel Harslem

    Kev/Gabriel Harslem


    I used to come eat here for lunch with friends but honestly I don't really like the "buffet". Some things some taste not really well. Dessert is just 1-2 simple ice scoops, not really impressive. Staff is okay.

  • To Fu

    To Fu


    Très bien, copieux buffet en semaine pour un prix super ;) Le personnel est sympathique 👍👍

  • en

    Sarab West


    Very nice, I came during early evening hours.. was well served. They had plate warmer for me on which they later put my dish. Food was great.. great quantity as well. Ambiance is standard traditional Chinese which I personally like. Price wise it’s on the higher side due to the location but no complaints. Buffet is only during the day.

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