S.K Cash & Carry Indian/African/Asian Store Luxembourg i Luxembourg

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LuxembourgS.K Cash & Carry Indian/African/Asian Store Luxembourg



🕗 åbningstider

38, Rue Sainte-Zithe, 2763, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 28 99 81 12
internet side: indianstore.lu
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.603734, Longitude: 6.129611

kommentar 5

  • Hamoda Comali

    Hamoda Comali


    So bad Stock coming I think with out control Service so so bad person with out respect So bad and not clean store So expensive He brings his things from Aldi Things from Lidl which in 1€ He sale it with 4 € Not recommend it at all

  • Gints Kristians

    Gints Kristians


    Various Indian spices, spicy snacks. Not too pricey, not very cheap either. Cashier seemed friendly, however, made me pay more for a fruit I bought - in the receipt was a different item.

  • Nisha Sanghvi

    Nisha Sanghvi


    nice place to get almost all of the indian stuffs

  • Abhinav Sharma

    Abhinav Sharma


    Store has most of Indian spices/ veggies /lentils /snacks store owner/manager is also very friendly and polite and will help you with your questions

  • jyoti chhetri

    jyoti chhetri


    Very good Exotic store at perfect location. I am very pleased to get varieties of items in one roof. I would like to recommend everyone to visit once!

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