X-Treme Bowling & Billard i Foetz

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LuxembourgX-Treme Bowling & Billard



🕗 åbningstider

11, Rue du Brill, 3898, Foetz, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 57 50 10
internet side: www.x-treme.lu
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.5215178, Longitude: 6.0061346

kommentar 5

  • Ricardo Baptista

    Ricardo Baptista


    Awesome space with plenty to do and have fun. Not that expensive!

  • Tamara Bintener

    Tamara Bintener


    One of the only places to play bowling in Luxembourg. Compared to weekdays, if you go there on weekends or later during the day it is pretty expensive and it can also be very crowdede Therefore it might be advisable to book beforehand. Plan to spend around 1-2 hours of playing. Maybe more if you want to enjoy some drinks. Parking is easily available and free.

  • Rebeca Ballesteros Arellano

    Rebeca Ballesteros Arellano


    I did have fun with friends in this place, tge price are reasonable and have a great parking lot.

  • en

    Andrea Camerini


    Bowling american style with a lot of lanes possibility to eat and drink as well

  • Dickon Brandon

    Dickon Brandon


    Nice place. Good fun and not too expensive. Serves snack food and drinks.

nærmeste Bowlingbaner

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