YogaBalance - Kirchberg i Luxembourg

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LuxembourgYogaBalance - Kirchberg


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2, Circuit de La Foire Internationale, 1347, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 621 406 088
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.6337204, Longitude: 6.1666874

kommentar 5

  • nath



    I started yoga 4 months ago and i have learned so much since then. Not only about my body but also about my mind. Jennifer and her team are awesome yoga teachers and very professional and patient. They explain well and know when to motivate and help you to reach the next level. You can always adress them if you have questions. The access to the two yoga studios is easy with good parking possibilities. The yoga class booking is very flexible, the internet site layout is clear and well organised and always up to date with a lot of informations and workshops. Both studios are very clean and well maintained. I am always happy to go to my yoga class, and i highly recomment this studio. You will not be disappointed!

  • Marije van Kempen

    Marije van Kempen


    Yogabalance is such a great place for your weekly yoga sessions. My favourite classes are taught by Jennifer, whose positivism is inspiring. Going there is such a great way to get energised. I can highly recommend checking out this studio.

  • Oana Capet

    Oana Capet


    Great team of professional and warm teachers, diverse offer of classes in two locations situated in two different parts of Luxemburg city, flexible offer of passes or drop-in classes, nice atmosphere. I became addicted since I discovered YogaBalance 2 years ago. I definitely recommend it if you are looking for ways to improve both your physical shape and your mental balance.

  • Haley Cover

    Haley Cover


    Jennifer is a fantastic teacher and has helped me make so much progress in my vinyasa practice! Thanks to her teaching I have developed a strong headstand and am progressing in other inversions and arm balances. I am so inspired by her, and look forward to her classes every week 🧘‍♀️😊

  • Amy Ritter

    Amy Ritter


    I started yoga 7 years ago with Jennifer, and she has been my teacher ever since! I have watched her grow as a teacher, her studio grow and my practice grow. There is such a nice variety of classes offered; I wish I could take all of them! Jennifer is very gently, but knows just when to push your limits. I look forward to spending my time there with other like-minded people. The studio is ideally situated with easy access parking. I highly recommend doing yoga, especially as you get older.

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