ASPORT Wickrange de Wickrange

LuxembourgASPORT Wickrange



🕗 horaire

3, Rue des Trois Cantons, 3980, Wickrange, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU Luksemburg
contact téléphone: +352 26 37 15 1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.539033, Longitude: 6.022147

commentaires 5

  • bablish joshi

    bablish joshi


    In a nutshell, the store is pathetic. To the extent, I would have rated a Zero star. I had visited the store on 22.05.2018 for after sales support and was shocked by the lack of the customer service quality. The service manager was EXTREMELY rude. He talked to me while walking and fidgeting on his cellphone. While i tried to explain my position, he continued to be rude. Apparently the store does not know anything about customer service. It has been THE most disgusting customer experience EVER ! I would never visit the Store and recommend you to do so neither, if you look forward to even a decent service experience. They have lost me as a customer forever and am going to share my explain to all my friends and family just to explain how bad can a service quality be !

  • pl

    Grzegorz Bednarz



  • Numa Caparros

    Numa Caparros


    Spacieux du choix et bon conseil niveau article sportif.

  • Johnny K

    Johnny K


    No complaints. Staff are attentive pleasant and very helpful

  • en



    Very pleasant and helpful staff. Good variety of merchandise. Recommended

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