Cycles Arnold Kontz de Luxembourg

LuxembourgCycles Arnold Kontz



🕗 horaire

128, Route de Thionville, 2610, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 40 96 74
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.592813, Longitude: 6.1395017

commentaires 5

  • en

    Jolle Bouw


    I was quite happy with the service to date, but now I cannot wait for my bike to be serviced. They ask me to spend 2x30 minutes commuting and leave my bike there for 1 full day, because they cannot help with a ten minutes adjustment? Not so customer friendly!

  • fr

    Gerald Jaffry


    TrÚs bon service et personnel avevant et trÚs compétant

  • en



  • es

    Magana-Campos Juan


    Muy buen servicio, rĂĄpidos y amables. Recomendado. Very good service, responsive and great treatment. so far best in Luxembourg.

  • en

    Anne-Marie Castro


    Really helpful bike shop. Friendly and willing to help with any bike problem. Took a bakfeit in for assistance with construction and they delivered a great service.

Magasin de vélos la plus proche

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