Belval Plaza de Esch-sur-Alzette

LuxembourgBelval Plaza



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Avenue du Rock'n'Roll, 4361, Esch-sur-Alzette, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 17 51 79
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.5008023, Longitude: 5.9452217

commentaires 5

  • Paulo Carvalho

    Paulo Carvalho


    Parking not free. Not very much shops. Can improve a lot.

  • Vanessa Saintot

    Vanessa Saintot


    Amazing place! Nice things to nibble, interesting shops, delhaize close by and above all the urban! I enjoy going there especially during the week after work because shops close at around 8pm and after 6pm there is barely anyone left and you have it for basically yourself and a little bunch of people. There is Saturn, New Yorker and the cinema I particularly like to go to as well as a Fisher. It’s a nice place to hang for a couple of hours and maybe end up to the cinema. Just across the road you also have a couple of other restaurants that are nice to eat at and right next to the rock hall.

  • Elbia Leopold

    Elbia Leopold


    That's almost a dead place if we think about a shopping. But there are some nice options of restaurants, it's more quiet. Rockal concert hall is just there and it really brings some world stars to perform. A lot construction is going on at the site. It will be a very nice site in a new future

  • Zac Sjoberg

    Zac Sjoberg


    Stores in this mall seem to carry anything that a young person living on their own might need. It does have a few other places to get food, ice cream, some clothes shopping, drinking, or even see a movie. It’s a great little mall that if you need anything and don’t want to journey far you should check here. The downside: things here can be a bit pricey but there’s usually some sort of great deal!

  • Ioannis Kypraios

    Ioannis Kypraios


    Nice place to hang out with a decent variety of shops. There's also a cinema for movie lovers but in general mostly busy during working hours. Sadly Luxembourg is not well known for it's nightlife and needless to say this isn't the place if you are looking for huge crowds and crazy lovely atmosphere either. It is fun to visit now and then, but don't expect much. The urban is a good place for a couple of evening drinks. That being said it may sound like I am being overly negative. Not at all so just be aware of what your expectations should be.

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