Belval Plaza Shopping Center de Esch-sur-Alzette

LuxembourgBelval Plaza Shopping Center



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Avenue du Rock'n'Roll, 4361, Esch-sur-Alzette, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 17 51 79
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.5004747, Longitude: 5.945636

commentaires 5

  • Ali Saad

    Ali Saad


    Very practical and convenient mall with direct connection to the Belval train station. No need to walk in the rude cold weather to shop for your stuff. Well-thought!

  • Tamer Abou el Saod

    Tamer Abou el Saod


    Very nice well organised shopping Center .. enough parking space and plenty of shopping possibilities .. not to forget the Cinema theaters as well ..

  • Fadi Ghandour

    Fadi Ghandour


    Day after day it's Better then before new markets and diverse

  • Patrick Sanctuari

    Patrick Sanctuari


    Just like a wannabe. One elevator in the mean building, so plan a bit more time in, if you‘re visiting the site, with a buggy or a wheelchair. The toilets must be a joke, if they aren‘t closed, there’s no toilet paper in. There‘s a mediocre choice of shops. By the way, this place attracts many strange young people, hanging arround.... Wheelchair accessible Many and good restaurants all arround. Good and many parking possibilities, compared to other bigger malls in the country, here, these are payable, not pricey, but u have to pay, if u don‘t buy. All over they (just) talk french..., in Luxemburg. There’s a bit improvement to do, to make this place as popular, they wanted to be or to be competitive.

  • LĂ©o Etlesbas

    LĂ©o Etlesbas


    Very large shopping Mall with lots of different shops (bakery, clothes, phones,...) and restaurants, cafe and bars. You will also find a barber and a gym. This shopping mall is usually far from being crowded (and I am not sure that the business is very good for the shop owners as some shops have been shut down).

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