Café Coyote Belval de Esch-sur-Alzette

LuxembourgCafé Coyote Belval



🕗 horaire

10-12, Avenue du Swing, 4367, Esch-sur-Alzette, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 42 85 86
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.502395, Longitude: 5.941444

commentaires 5

  • JoĂ«l Gerard

    Joël Gerard


    Great food, good place to go for a chill evening before or after the cinema that’s closeby. The staff isn’t always amazing, sometimes they are great but some of them are a bit odd, or unprofessional. Other than that nothing to complain

  • Nander



    Food and service are both very good! Ambience is also nice. My only complaint is that it's so far away from everything, no one drives down to belval only for coyote. They should have stayed more central in lux.

  • Nick Petrakis

    Nick Petrakis


    Nice place for a beer and something to grab. Good food but not great. Generally good the quesadillas chicken and the bacon cheeseburger but again not the best of quality

  • Patrick Sanctuari

    Patrick Sanctuari


    Nice location, with friendly waiters. The food is good. Wheelchair accessible It’s worth a try

  • Serge Flammang

    Serge Flammang


    I‘m regularly going to Coyote CafĂ© since many years because of the great ambience. The food amazing and they serve big portions. Personally, I consider their cocktails as the best you can find in Luxembourg and the Happy Hour every day between 5pm - 8pm or Thursday the whole day make a visit even more worth it.

Café la plus proche

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