MAHO rive droite de Luxembourg

LuxembourgMAHO rive droite



🕗 horaire

2, Place Sainte-Cunégonde, 1367, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 27 04 83 71
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6148161, Longitude: 6.1426309

commentaires 5

  • Giovanni Corato

    Giovanni Corato


    nice place, good food, excellent customer care maybe a bit expensive but it is worth

  • Claudia De Paoli

    Claudia De Paoli


    Loved the food, nice ambiente, friendly & attentive service!

  • en

    Paul Moss


    Great service, good excellent and nice atmosphere

  • Tunde Hubina

    Tunde Hubina


    Cozy, lovely and elegant restaurant. The food is superb. My best favorite restaurant in Luxembourg. It a has a beautiful and hidden garden where you can have a discrete date and enjoy your time without praying eyes. Absolutely recommend. Price is affordable

  • Andrea BarcelĂł

    Andrea BarcelĂł


    Amazing food, very good service, the terrace is great, but a bit cold

Café la plus proche

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