Le Palais de Luxembourg

LuxembourgLe Palais



🕗 horaire

13, Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes, 1728, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 28 62 86 7336
site web: www.lepalais.lu
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6112661, Longitude: 6.1325302

commentaires 5

  • Vincent Pattyn

    Vincent Pattyn


    Very nice bar, amazing staff and good music! Thanks

  • Vaidas Vaidas

    Vaidas Vaidas


    very good place. Not too crowded

  • Lee Baby Sims

    Lee Baby Sims


    Good bar staff, good cocktails' good service even when it's packed. Good.place to hang out on a Friday evening after 10pm

  • f1f1s .

    f1f1s .


    Cosy ottomans, great interior, helpful waiters, reasonable prices.

  • Mario Fernández

    Mario Fernández


    I've seldomly seen such great cocktails. We were sitting in front of the barman and it was a masterful performance. They have an incredible amount of gins, and they really prepare each of them in a different way

Bar la plus proche

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