The Pyg Irish Bar de Luxembourg

LuxembourgThe Pyg Irish Bar



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19, Rue de la Tour Jacob, 1831, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxemburgo
contact téléphone: +352 621 642 072
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6127637, Longitude: 6.1441698

commentaires 5

  • en

    Natasha Romao


    Typical Irish pub, fairly busy in the evenings and very busy on the weekends. Don't accept cards but speak English.

  • en

    cris fish


    This bar 'should' appear as an automatic option when you ask Google to show local sports bars.. because it's a bar that shows sports...makes sense, by definition. Great, friendly couple behind the bar who offer a genuine welcome and fast service, right next to the river and the walks, and a great atmosphere as well ..

  • Jerrin Jose

    Jerrin Jose


    Nice canal facing bar. Little expensive though. Have the Guinness beer

  • en

    Rich M


    Every time I've been in here I've enjoyed a friendly welcome. And they sell Jaegerbombs. Nice place!

  • Dylan Reid

    Dylan Reid


    A great spot !! One of the best little bars in Lux . Full of character and personalities .

Bar la plus proche

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