Dipso - the Wine Republic de Luxemburg

LuxembourgDipso - the Wine Republic



🕗 horaire

4, rue de la Loge, 1945, Luxemburg, Luxemburg, LU Luxemburg
contact téléphone: +352 26 20 14 14
site web: www.dipso.lu
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6111256, Longitude: 6.1339822

commentaires 5

  • en

    Daniel Wong


    Affordable place for wine. You can order themed platters to go with the wine. We got the Luxembourgish platter which was pretty good both in quality and quantity. 4 wines and the platter came out to be 48 Euros which I think is a great price. Would definitely visit again.

  • Matthew Culver

    Matthew Culver


    Nice place, excellent plates and reasonable by the glass wines. Service varied between the wait staff, the budget Jon Snow lookalike was a bit cold at times. A touch expensive.

  • en

    Blair Radford


    Super nice find for an evening wine (or three) and a bit to eat. Had a delicious platter, which was plenty for two. The wine list is good. The service was good. And the setting in the old town is really nice. I’d come back again for sure.

  • Zoltan Pall

    Zoltan Pall


    Die kalten Platten sind ein Genuss, auf jeden Fall eine Empfehlung!

  • de

    susy kieffer


    Weinbar mit viel Flair. Etwas laut, aber trotzdem tolle AtmosphÀre.

Bar la plus proche

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