Basta Cosi de Luxembourg

LuxembourgBasta Cosi



🕗 horaire

10, Rue Louvigny, 1946, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxemburgo
contact téléphone: +352 26 26 85 85
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6104873, Longitude: 6.1288364

commentaires 5

  • Matteo Mereu

    Matteo Mereu


    Ci sono stato una volta a pranzo. Servizio cordiale, cibo buono. Prezzi medio/alti.

  • Peggy Allen Hayes

    Peggy Allen Hayes


    Excellent visit here and adored the food. The hubs had their pizza whilst I enjoyed a baked melanzane parmiagiana. Lovely atmosphere and great staff.

  • Italo Montenegro

    Italo Montenegro



  • it

    Rosangela Mastronardi


    Locale italiano decisamente buono. Localizzato in centro. Buoni piatti a base di carne. Pizza buona. Condivisa nell’attesa del piatto principale. Vini al calice nn particolarmente attraenti. Meglio optare sulla scelta di una bottiglia.

  • en

    Amaury Toussaint


    One of my favorite Italian restaurant in Luxembourg. The staff is really friendly, the food is very tasty and you have a lot of choice. I particularly like the way you can eat pizza there (you can choose 2 half of 2 different pizza and also choose to take an half with hot vegetable).

Bar la plus proche

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