CANTINE Châtelet de Luxembourg

LuxembourgCANTINE Châtelet



🕗 horaire

2, Boulevard de La Petrusse, 2320, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 40 21 01
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6019829, Longitude: 6.1259281

commentaires 5

  • Noppon Chompupong

    Noppon Chompupong


    The 3 courses were 39€ which I consider great value and they came in good portion. I could feel the quality ingredients being used. The taste overall was alright. To sum it up, I would return for a date but not for a first date.

  • Laurent BUNIET

    Laurent BUNIET



  • Radostina Radi

    Radostina Radi


    Delicious food and nice atmosphere! Deffinately recommend this place.

  • Johnathon Edwards

    Johnathon Edwards


    Pros: Great Service and very friendly. My wife does not read or speak French so they explained the entire menu to her in English. Great Food, Great Wine Cons: None I recommend making a reservation and there is parking at the hotel/restaurant. However it is easy to miss and small. I believe there are approximately 10 spots in total.

  • Frederic Paulussen

    Frederic Paulussen


    Very friendly staff. The rooms aren't the most beautiful or biggest, but when entering you can smell the cleanliness. The rooms are well maintained and clean. The breakfast is very well, you don't have a big choice, but the food is good. It's a very good location, you can easily walk to the city centre. We left our car in the parking lot (which costs 15 euro a night). Even after checking out, it wasn't a problem to leave the car until the afternoon.

Restaurant la plus proche

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