Chic Kebab & Chic Bar Chicha de Mersch

LuxembourgChic Kebab & Chic Bar Chicha



🕗 horaire

1, Place Saint Michel, 7556, Mersch, Mersch, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 32 29 73
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.7479629, Longitude: 6.1037619

commentaires 5

  • A Brookman

    A Brookman


    Very friendly, fast service

  • Fernando Viñan-Cano

    Fernando Viñan-Cano


    Great kebab, their Mixed kebab plate was amazing, perhaps almost too much for a lunch but well worth it.

  • Demosthenis Axiotis

    Demosthenis Axiotis


    Very tasty food and appealing to the eye, but a bit on the pricey side. Public parking spots were available across the street from the store, but no entertainment for kids inside, as the store lacks sitting space. Would probably eat there again.

  • Steven Van Eckeren

    Steven Van Eckeren


    Solid eating place. Staff is friendly and quick, kebabs are always fresh and taste great

  • Alex C.

    Alex C.


    the last time the dĂŒrum was half empty and also very little bit of salad almost no salad at all. And the meat tasted very bizzare.

Bar la plus proche

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