Café littéraire Le Bovary de Luxembourg

LuxembourgCafé littéraire Le Bovary



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2, Rue de Laroche, 1918, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 27 29 50 15
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6282815, Longitude: 6.1351883

commentaires 5

  • Gilberto Castro

    Gilberto Castro


    Local bonito e acolhedor. Clima excelente. Atendimento maravilhoso đŸ€©.

  • Valda J

    Valda J


    Being a regular visitor to Luxembourg, I found this place to be a heaven. I've never received a better reception anywhere else. The owner loves what she does and one can feel it in the little touches. The food is great and the service very friendly. Try to book a table on their live music nights. I felt like at a private dinner party, where by the end of the night I knew the people at the tables around me.

  • Matteo Mereu

    Matteo Mereu


    Fantastica atmosfera, ambiente davvero accogliente. Bevande di qualitĂ  ma prezzi molto alti, oltre la media del Lussemburgo. In ogni caso consigliato per rilassarsi e godersi un buon libro o della buona musica.

  • pt

    Olivia Lemes


    Um cafe restaurante literĂĄrio onde come bem e tem muita traquilidade. Lugar de paz e plenitude.

  • I. M.

    I. M.


    Cosy bar with very interesting interior design, good selection of wine, beer, whisky and cocktails, kitchen with skilled chef, summer terrace and there was also a band playing live music in the background when I visited . Owners as well as bartenders seem very nice.

Bar la plus proche

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