Cocoon Hotel La Rive de Bourscheid

LuxembourgCocoon Hotel La Rive



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Bourscheid-Plage, 9164 Bourscheid, Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 30 35 1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.9115891, Longitude: 6.0828246

commentaires 5

  • Peter Jacob

    Peter Jacob


    Beautiful and quiet area. Excellent food. Friendly staff

  • Anita R

    Anita R


    Very remote Good food Grumpy man on reception but that might be changed

  • Mira



    Not sure.... Some aspects good, others really unprofessional. Suite was quite good, although we could not find the aircon which it should have, and beds were i too soft. Restaurant and reception were a real let down

  • Peter Oskam

    Peter Oskam


    Amazing place with an awesome view on a castle. So relaxing to hear the river run while enjoying a nice glass of wine

  • indu r warrier

    indu r warrier


    Value for money. Good and peaceful stay. Beautiful place. Good food from the restaurant. Wifi was not so good, hence 4 -star. Overall very nice experience

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