Hôtel des Ardennes de Houschent

LuxembourgHôtel des Ardennes



🕗 horaire

33, Haaptstrooss, 9376, Houschent, Kanton Klierf, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 99 00 77
site web: www.hotel-des-ardennes.lu
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.9463142, Longitude: 6.0806081

commentaires 5

  • roger hill

    roger hill


    A most excellent small hotel, with very good food and beer. Very clean and excellent staff. Wouldn't hesitate to return.

  • Beatrijs Deneckere

    Beatrijs Deneckere


    Really friendly place, comfort food for an honest price. Exactly what you want after 4 days camping in the wild!

  • Jimmy Jokinen

    Jimmy Jokinen


    Top notch hotel that is well worth the short drive to Luxembourg. Restaurant provides very tasty dishes (Medallions, ribs and local menu recommended) and beverages, cannot fault in any way. Combined with the very hospitable host, I thoroughly recommend this place. Trail nearby is a plus.

  • Lambert Caljouw

    Lambert Caljouw


    Great place to have a drink and bite after walking the Klangwee (sound trail)

  • Dennis Cozijnsen

    Dennis Cozijnsen


    If you are walking the Lee Trail this is a recommendation. The lady who helped speaks dutch perfectly, she packed lunch bags for us for a very good price. And she arranged for us a place to sleep in a field nearby of wich she knew the owner. So great selfless service!

Lodging la plus proche

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