Conterstuff de Contern




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Place de la Mairie, 5310, Contern, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 26 70 17 26
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Latitude: 49.5847762, Longitude: 6.2275349

commentaires 5

  • en

    Muriel Arbogast-Fonck


    We had booked a table for two for lunch. Nothing fancy, just lunch before heading back to work...We waited 45 min. for the menu of the day. It wasn't even good, it was really bad. My fish was overcooked and tasted weird. My husbands "Paschtéit" was from the day before yesterday I guess! We were very disappointed as we go there sometimes for dinner with friends..I am afraid they won't see me again! To play 18 euros for bad fish is too much after waiting 45 minutes for nothing!

  • Max Mayer

    Max Mayer


    Good place to spend a good meal Price/quality = Great

  • Thierry Coutelier

    Thierry Coutelier


    Very good Luxembourgian dishes. Excellent service. Very good for events too as they have a big room for special occasions.

  • Lucien Klein

    Lucien Klein


    If you like Luxembourgish food, good service, nice people, this is the place to go!

  • Joseph Longworth

    Joseph Longworth


    Great food service and traditional bowling Lane to hire. Good for traditional Luxembourgish food.

Restaurant la plus proche

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