Librairie Française Sàrl de Luxemburg

LuxembourgLibrairie Française Sàrl



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4, Rue Beck, 1222, Luxemburg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 22 00 67
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6114333, Longitude: 6.1274096

commentaires 5

  • en

    Alejandra Aluja Ruiz de la Cuesta


    So I went to buy a card and couldn’t decide among many of them (they have a huge variety of nice cards) so I took them inside to see them all together. I picked one, get a book and went to the counter with everything. I said to the black and short hair woman that I think is the owner that I wanted the book and the card and that I was going to leave all the others outside on my way out. She looked angry at all the cards I wasn’t buying and asked me if I only wanted one, I confirmed, explained I took them to see them all together and decide and repeated that I was going to leave them in their place. She shouted the name of one of the shop assistants and told her to bring the thing where the cards are inside, as I took many (waiving them out loud) and she had now to place them in the correct place. Completely inappropriate for a customer-facing business and in particular taking into account that I was nice and offered to place them since the beginning. Do not recommend at all.

  • Patricia Farinha

    Patricia Farinha


    The variety of books, the literature in several languages, really good prices. However the employees are not polite, no efforts spared to even look at you, smile or be helpful

  • fr

    Victor Le Pape


    Personnel ni sympathique, ni avenant. N'Ă©tant pas sĂ»r de mon achat, je demande s'il est possible de retourner le livre, on m'indique que cela est parfaitement possible. Au moment de le rendre impossible d'obtenir autre chose qu'un bon d'achat, que je dois utiliser dans les 3 mois... Inutile de prĂ©ciser que la vendeuse Ă©tait particuliĂšrement dĂ©sagrĂ©able. C'est sans doute triste, mais la prochaine fois j'irai acheter sur amazon. Rien ne sert de faire l'effort d'aller acheter dans une librairie de centre ville si c'est pour ĂȘtre moins bien traitĂ© que lorsqu'on achĂšte derriĂšre son ordinateur.

  • Patrick Jenin

    Patrick Jenin


    bon choix, actuel

  • de

    Ebru Satar


    Der Buchladen hat sehr gute BĂŒcher aber nur auf französisch und englisch. Die Auswahl ist sehr gut.

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