Lidl de Luxembourg




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182, Rue de Beggen, 1220, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 34 20 80 8595
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.6465123, Longitude: 6.1291082

commentaires 5

  • Z3R0 G805T

    Z3R0 G805T


    It's a Lidl don't expect luxury.

  • Alexandre Moço

    Alexandre Moço


    Good but does not have as much variety as other Lidl in town. (smaller)

  • Josh Rosenblum

    Josh Rosenblum


    Though I like Lidl, compared to their peers, the Lidl Bereldange store is a real mess. A big fail Hence to avoid. Why? 1. The pedestrian access is highly dangerous. No proper pedestrian lane and cars coming in flying low ; so be prepared to get run over, courtesy to Lidl 2. Pricing rip-off Mismatch of labeled prices of the articles in the relevant store section compared to the prices they will charge you when you check out The price difference was up to 15% percent plus, in ma case. This said, this is a common rip-off trick applied by a lot of retail markets in Luxembourg. Cora winning the rip-off price here. It look like it's pickung up more and more and some other retailers following suit.

  • Zeynab Farahanian

    Zeynab Farahanian


    Fresh bread and nice place for shopping daily products đŸ‘ŒđŸ»

  • Anneke Van Tuijn

    Anneke Van Tuijn


    Great really good products and not too expensive.

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