POST Luxembourg - Bureau de poste Junglinster i Junglinster

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgPOST Luxembourg - Bureau de poste Junglinster



🕗 åbningstider

1, zone Artisanale et commerciale Langwies, 6131, Junglinster, Grevenmacher, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 800 28 004
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.7061151, Longitude: 6.2545936

kommentar 5

  • FF



    Takes too long. Not well organised.

  • Laurent S.

    Laurent S.


    4 People behind the desks and only one working. 20min waiting time to just send a letter.

  • Stefan Weggler

    Stefan Weggler


    It is hard to understand why there is no mail counter open on a Saturday, when most of the people are able to pick up packages. Telecom services take much longer so people who want to pick up mail packages have to wait very long. Right here waiting since 30 minutes with 14 people to get served, because counters are blocked with Telecom customers. But I can use the time to write a review and help others and hopefully the service can be improved as there is no alternative.

  • Axel Nygren

    Axel Nygren


    A very nice post with a kind staff that can talk English😜 Happy they are open on sundays Wanting me to pay as cheap as I could Every thing went smoothly It’s epic😎

  • Nimeshi Wickramasuriya

    Nimeshi Wickramasuriya


    Excellent service when it comes to postal matters, apart from that the service is very slow for mobile connection related matters, usually it is very crowded during weekdays & the queue is very long. The number of staff is insufficient to handle the queues.

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