Post Luxembourg Sorting Bettembourg i Beetebuerg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgPost Luxembourg Sorting Bettembourg



🕗 åbningstider

Krakelshaff, 3290, Beetebuerg, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 800 28 004
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.5055299, Longitude: 6.1095588

kommentar 5

  • Bellini Distillati

    Bellini Distillati


    Goodmorning, i recieved 2 differents parcels with items that i never ordered. what's going on?

  • Norbert Eiglsperger

    Norbert Eiglsperger


    Either the parcel was mixed up by the sender, or it was mixed up or stolen at this sorting / import station. I do not know, but I know I have a parcel with wrong content. My Tip: Do not order via Luxembourg, do not order I'm China.

  • Michael Mosier

    Michael Mosier


    Its a great way to get it done with a variety of different things to learn and to make

  • None None

    None None


    Since 23.04.2019 my package is there and not moving forward. It seems i am not the only one with this problem. Very bad service, how so much incompetence can be today? Package arrived after 7 weeks on this station.

  • Krystian Pyka

    Krystian Pyka


    I have not received a package for a month. From April 25, when I check is still Posting / Collection LUXEMBOURG CENTER DE TRI. I called, I wrote an email and nothing. zero help zero explanations. I have contacted everybody even one lady has sent an e-mail to Logistics. And nothing further does the package show that it is in Luxembourg. I had to contact the seller to send me a parcel once more. If there are such problems again, you will be charged with theft.

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