Sixt de Niederanven




🕗 horaire

Counter Arrival Hall Level -1 Luxemburg-Findel, 1110 Niederanven, Luxembourg
contact téléphone: +352 24 64 70 31
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.63446, Longitude: 6.2163746

commentaires 5

  • en

    Michal S


    We almost did not get the car, they did not accept my debit card even though I asked in advance and they confirmed me the card acceptance. Quite stressful, I was not satisfied.

  • en

    Zoe Baker


    Rude! Refused to give us car and no apology.




    Please stay away from this agency, poor service, unreasonably expensive compare to others...multiple agencies are available at the airport.

  • Alain Abi Khalil

    Alain Abi Khalil


    First time and last time I rent a car with sixt. After filling up the car with petrol to the brim (diesel was at the top of the cap) the fuel gauge showed that the car was not full. When I returned the keys I explained this to the sixt representative and the response was not to worry and that this happens a lot with the type of car I was renting. Two days later I get charged a service fee of 35euros for not returning the car fully filled up as well as getting charged for 4euros of diesel.

  • en

    Andrés Di Paulo


    One week after I returned the vehicle (which was prepaid 2 months ago) they are still holding the amount for guarantee of USD 200 from my credit card. Unlawful.

Location de voiture la plus proche

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