Boulangerie-Pâtisserie Jeitz Sàrl i Consdorf

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LuxembourgBoulangerie-Pâtisserie Jeitz Sàrl



🕗 åbningstider

7, Route de Luxembourg, 6210, Consdorf, Echternach, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 79 00 40
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.7789501, Longitude: 6.3378814

kommentar 5

  • David Oesch

    David Oesch


    Quality is on top !

  • Koen Zomers

    Koen Zomers


    Stopped here on the way to Berdorf to get some treats for lunch. Nice little bakery with a small grocery store. Friendly lady. Card payments from 15 euro and up. Free parking in the turn close to the bakery. The apfelstrudel was a tadbit too sweet but nice. We tried all kinds of other sweets. They mostly tasted the same. Not super surprising or nice but okay enough. Would rate it 3 stars. Giving it a four star rating regardless for the lovely atmosphere and it being an awesome stop in a lovely little village.

  • Pedro Vieira

    Pedro Vieira


    Their Apfelstrudel delicious, their coffee is great, in fact everything they make is fabulous.

  • Georges CLAUDE

    Georges CLAUDE


    Very friendly service, artisanal bread and buns. Try the "Schoklastrëtz"!

  • Kai Schwab

    Kai Schwab


    Handsome blonde guy working there

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