Butterfly Garden, Grevenmacher i Grevenmacher

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LuxembourgButterfly Garden, Grevenmacher


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Route de Trèves, 6793, Grevenmacher, Grevenmacher, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 75 85 39
internet side: www.papillons.lu
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Latitude: 49.6839391, Longitude: 6.4494161

kommentar 5

  • Ruchika Sandolkar

    Ruchika Sandolkar


    I really enjoying butterfly garden it's really amazing place to visit. Beautiful nature all around God creature are really amazing. Around 100+ butterflies are there. Kids are just love that place

  • Joëlle Kayser

    Joëlle Kayser


    The only butterfly garden in Luxembourg is definitely worth a visit! Do not expect a huge garden but you can spend an hour or two inside! I also enjoy the little café to have a drink after the visit. When you’re visiting Grevenmacher on a rainy day in Summer, you must visit this place ☺️

  • delimanmario .

    delimanmario .


    A lovely place. Charming and full of life. But a little bit small place. I recomend visiting it.

  • Eduard Ras

    Eduard Ras


    Nice place. Need about 30min since it's not very big. Good for kids. Craft shop and coffee shop on site.

  • Robbert-Jan Kaagman

    Robbert-Jan Kaagman


    Very worthwhile visit. Huge butterflies, some exotic small birds, insects, turtles and gecko's. Suitable for (small) children but also for people who are disabled. It is greenhouse full of exotic plants with a temperature of about 30°C. Good visit for when it is cold or rainy. There is a small educational lab at the back with a few microscopes and other interesting displays showing the process from egg, to caterpillar, to butterfly. There is a small shop selling touristic trinkets (educational toys, jewelry, books, locally made soap, honey, etc.) There is a small diner too, with reasonable prices, selling hot and cold drinks (the iced coffee and iced tea's are great) toast, hotdogs, quiches and cakes. Great service, friendly personnel and tasteful food and drinks.

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