Parc Merveilleux i Bettembourg

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LuxembourgParc Merveilleux


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Route de Mondorf, 3260, Bettembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 51 10 48 1
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.5108777, Longitude: 6.1198926

kommentar 5

  • Grhn Glr

    Grhn Glr


    For children. There are lots of playing ground and huge ones. But for seeing animals, please do not waste your weekend, because there is no ordinary animals or options there

  • James Hobson

    James Hobson


    Lovely zoo, good range of animals and at (currently) only 10 euro entry very fairly priced. Most of the animals are easy to find and have good signage. The food at the restaurant was ok and, considering its Luxemburg, reasonable price.

  • Dan Pinta

    Dan Pinta


    This is awesome for kids, we've visites many times and always loved it. There are so many things to do: the playgrounds are huge and really well kept, the zoo area offers nice relaxing walk and the kids love the stories at the small huts. The only part that really needs improvement is the catering area, the line is really long at lunch time and the food is average at best

  • Dewald du preez

    Dewald du preez


    Great place to go with your kids. Animals are healthy and cages are clean and adequate. Ample playgrounds for kids including water playground. It's possible to feed the animals but must buy the correct food at the place. Food restaurants available. Can take a picnic basket. Parking available infront of the zoo. Average time spent 6 hours.

  • David Eaton

    David Eaton


    Not a very big zoo but that's not the point. It is a great kids day out. Ours loved it!

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