Gastronomica Luxembourg i Luxembourg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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LuxembourgGastronomica Luxembourg



🕗 åbningstider

83, Rue de Hollerich, 1741, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 26 84 58 05
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.5987176, Longitude: 6.1232217

kommentar 5

  • fr

    Franck Demetriades


    Un petit conseil prenez le plateau charcuterie fromage accompagné d'une pizza. Et vous passerez un délicieux moment. Les mardi, mercredi et jeudi soir des cours de danse sont organisés. Bon appétit et bon amusement.

  • fr

    Soares Gloria


    C'est un endroit magnifique ou se mange très bien des bonnes fromages et des choses fraiches que arrive directement d'Italie. Le personale est trés sympa, la plus sympathique c'est Olivia. Quand vous y allé demandé de Olivia pour vous servir.

  • Karolina Jachowicz

    Karolina Jachowicz


    Amazing atmosphere and great food. Simple italian tastes

  • en

    Stefan Lukacs


    Amazing Italian ingredients, prepared with love by the staff. Menu is small but the food is excellent. We have never been disappointed and the price to quality is excellent as well. It’s sad it’s a bit of the Main Street and centrum of town as most people don’t seem to go here. Service however is a bit relaxed and a lot of times you have to tell people twice or more to get to order and remind them of your order, but over the past one year of going here it has improved.

  • tatiana ardizio

    tatiana ardizio


    Ottimo cibo. Tagliere di salumi freschi, formaggi e verdure, sublime. Pasta eccezionale e buona selezione di vini. Buon servizio e personale cordiale e molto amichevole. Esperienza più che positiva

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