La Bulle de Vin i Luxembourg

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LuxembourgLa Bulle de Vin



🕗 åbningstider

24, Rue de l'Eau, 1449, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU Luxembourg
kontakter telefon: +352 28 48 00 95
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Latitude: 49.610848, Longitude: 6.133687

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ciara Flock


    Great little place with delicious wines, comfortable chilled atmosphere

  • Vanessa Saintot

    Vanessa Saintot


    Very pleasurable quiet place. Ideal if you wish to hang some place where you can actually talk. Wide variety of good wines and reasonable prices. Only little minus for the food as passed a certain hour, you can only get peanuts or crisps. Other than that, atmosphere and staff are great and friendly. Enjoyed it very much and well located as well :)

  • en

    Ankush Nanda


    The place for wine lovers. Great selection of wine and tapas. Loved the foie gras.

  • en

    EUSTACHI Samuel


    Great wines. Good advice. Friendly staff. Quiet music. Great for a chat with friends, a date or even business. One of my favorite places in town.

  • Manuel Niebhagen

    Manuel Niebhagen


    Great Location over several levels. Food is high quality. Will go there more often to try the rest of the menu

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