Grand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art i Luxemburg

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LuxembourgGrand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art



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3, Park Drai Eechelen, 1499, Luxemburg, Luxembourg, LU Luksemburg
kontakter telefon: +352 45 37 85 1
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Latitude: 49.6170946, Longitude: 6.1403368

kommentar 5

  • fr

    Véronique Zorninger


    Ce Musée est grandiose. Le bâtiment est une oeuvre d'art à lui seul. Son architecture est magnifique. L'atmosphère est apaisante et propice à la contemplation. Tous les sens sont mis en éveil. Certaines oeuvres ont provoqué chez moi de vives émotions. Le sens de la visite est intelligemment suggéré et le personnel veille discrètement. L'espace en fin de visite est agréable pour une pause ou se restaurer afin de prolonger le plaisir. A découvrir absolument.

  • Celine Schmidt

    Celine Schmidt


    The building is marvelous. The exhibitions are... I can't tell because I know absolutely nothing about modern art. I visited 2 exhibitions at the MUDAM and the only thing I can say is that they are... interesting. They probably have a meaning and a purpose. I hope. Again, I know nothing... :-)

  • pl

    Gregois Pigeon


    Bardzo interesująca kolekcja

  • Dada Vfc

    Dada Vfc


    I love this museum and I want to thank to all those who put pictures on this page - they've made my day! Wow! What a great discovery, I'm delighted, I'm happy, I'm dizzy! Mudam Museum is, in my mind, in top three museums of the world and I have to ask you to receive my gratitude for all your efforts - you're the best, bravo! I will come there someday, no doubt, even that will be in a future life! Thanks a lot, it was an amazing experience to visit your museum!!! An incredible museum in an awesome city in a fabulous country!!!

  • pl

    Tomasz Giemza


    Jak ktoś lubi sztukę nowoczesną, to świetne muzeum. Jednak ja poszedłem bardziej z ciekawości; ani nie byłem zachwycony, ani zawiedziony. Mimo wszystko trzeba zobaczyć.

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